Editorial Policy

The Efficient Solopreneur provides content to help prepare readers to work smarter and eclipse their goals.

No Legal, Tax, or Investment Advice

Content published by the Efficient Solopreneur involving legal matters, tax matters, or investment decisions are intended to help readers feel more comfortable in their conversations with their attorneys, accountants, and financial advisors. We do not provide any legal, tax or investment advice. We actively recommend that readers obtain appropriate counsel prior to acting upon any content published by the Efficient Solorprenuer or any other source.

Product Recommendations

The Efficient Soloprenuer provides reviews and recommendations based on our independent assessment. It is the personal opinion of the writer. Our reviews are not financially biased or influenced. Any financially influenced content is considered sponsored content and will be explicitly labeled accordingly.

Any links to mentioned, reviewed or recommended products where an affiliation agreement exist will and must be labeled accordingly.

Errors and Omissions

Although our goal is to provide our readers with the most accurate yet concise content, there may be times when our humanness gets the best of us. If you identify any errors or content that needs to be improved, please notify us via email at contact@efficientsolopreneur.com.